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The current economic climate within the mineral processing industry has led to the need for greater diligence in study work and an increase in the drive to ensure operations are performing optimally. Falling grades and more complex ores have added to the difficulty faced by mineral projects. More than ever before, an improvement in the knowledge which can lead to better quality decision making is an imperative for all project owners and operators.





 Before the recent financial crisis, many of the small to medium sized mining and mineral processing consultancies had been absorbed by the bigger market players. This has resulted in today’s shortfall in the marketplace for the individual consultant with links to larger networks that could deliver work in a cost effective manner and without the associated expensive overhead structures of the larger firms. Tees Minerals has been established to help fill this gap.





Our expertise directly covers the following areas:

  • Plant audit.

  • Project audit.

  • Security audit.

  • Laboratory testwork definition and supervision.

  • Contribution to and project management of due diligence and feasibility studies from the ore dressing and conceptual stages through to the definitive / banking study level.

  • HPGR operation.

  • Dense Medium Separation.





Tees Minerals have recently been involved a broad spectrum of projects reflecting a number of commodities and a number of points within the project value chain.

Together with work on ongoing or 'live' projects, audit of completed projects has been undertaken.

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